Enabler Registries

OMNA Enabler Registries

In addition to the LwM2M Registry, OMNA manages several other active registries. These registries ensure consistent use of names and numbers across various OMA technologies, supporting interoperability and compatibility among different implementations.

OMNA Registry Group Registry Name Click to Register
WAP WSP WSP Content Type Codes Register
WSP Header Code Page Names Register
WSP Header Parameters Register
WSP Extended Methods Register
WAP WTP WTP Option TPI Register
WAP WAG WBXML Public Document ID Register
WMLScript Library ID Register
PUSH Application Register
EFI Name Spaces Register
OMNA Shared OMA (URN) / Namespace Registry Register
OMA Schema-based Namespace Registry Register
OMA Private AVP Codes Register
OMA Security ISO Object Identifiers Register
GBA Protocol Identifiers Register
OMA Device Management (DM) DM Application Characteristics (AC) Registry Register
DM Management Object (MO) Registry Register
OMA DM Alert Types Register
OMA Digital Rights Management (DRM) OMA Digital Rights Management System (DRMS) Registry Register
DRM EncryptionMethod Registry Register
MPEG-2 DRM Control Format (MDCF) Message Elements Registry Register
DRM sample_type Registry Register
OMA Location (LOC) OMNA Vendor/Operator ID Registry Register
OMA Mobile Broadcast (BCAST) BCAST Service Class Registry Register
BCAST Identification Authority Registry Register
BCAST ClientManufacturerCode Registry Register
BCAST Parental Rating System Registry Register
OMA Smartcard Application (AID) Codes Registry Register
OMA Mobile Codes (MC) OMA Mobile Codes Registry ID Register
OMA Mobile Codes Routing Prefix Register
OMA Presence Service Description Elements Register
OMA Presence and Availability (PAG) XCAP Application Unique ID (AUID) Registry Register
OMA Push OMNA Push Message Header Code Registry Register
OMA RESTful Network APIs Service and Policy Exceptions Registry Register
OMA XDM Document Management (XDM) URI List Usage Names Register
OMA WSDL Packages URNs for use in WSDL Register
External Registrations OMNA Assignments from External Registries Register
CPM Registry for folder naming CPM Registry for folder naming Register